Louis Moreau Gottschalk
Louis Moreau Gottschalk was an American composer and pianist, best known as a virtuoso performer of his own romantic piano works. He spent most of his working career outside of the United States.
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Powyższy tekst jest udostępniany na licencji Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. Zawiera treść z artykułu z Wikipedii "Louis Moreau Gottschalk".
Most viewed music
- Fleur de Lys
Pianino na Cztery Ręce
- Fleur de Lys
- Manchega
Etude de concert - Fortepian
- Manchega
- Pastorella e Cavalliere
The Young Shepherdess and The Knight - Fortepian
- Pastorella e Cavalliere
- Polka de salon
- Polka de salon
- Souvenirs d'Andalousie
Caprice de Concert - Fortepian
- Souvenirs d'Andalousie
- Polonia
Grande Caprice de Concert - Fortepian
- Polonia
- Le Mancenillier
Sérénade - Fortepian
- Le Mancenillier
- Ojos criollos (Les Yeux Créoles)
Danse Cubaine - Fortepian
- Ojos criollos (Les Yeux Créoles)
- La Brise
Valse de concert - Fortepian
- La Brise
Most listened to music
All music
Other names
ja:ルイス モロー,ゴットシャルク