Carnival Overture
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- Kompozytor
- A L Dvořák
- Opus
- Op. 92
- Typ
- Uwertura
- Year composed
- 1891
- Aranżacje
- 6
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O Carnival Overture
The concert overture Carnival, Op. 92, B. 169, was written by Antonín Dvořák in 1891. It is part of a "Nature, Life and Love" trilogy of overtures written by Dvořák, forming the second "Life" part. The other two parts of the trilogy are In Nature's Realm, Op. 91 ("Nature") and Othello, Op. 93 ("Love").
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Inne aranżacje
- Carnival Overture
Full Score - Orkiestra
- Carnival Overture
Buy printed editions
We have selected some printed editions we think may be useful.
- Carnival Overture, Op. 92 (B. 169)
- $12.95
- Hal Leonard