Romance for Violin and Orchestra

- Kompozytor
- L v Beethoven
- Opus
- Op. 40
- Tonacja
- G-dur
- Typ
- Classic
- Year composed
- 1802
- Aranżacje
- 10
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O Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 1
The Romance for violin and orchestra No. 1 in G major, Op. 40, was composed by Ludwig van Beethoven, one of two such compositions, the other being Romance No. 2 in F major, Op. 50. It was written in 1802, four years after the second Romance, and was published 1803, two years before the publication of the second. Thus, this romance was designated as Beethoven's first.
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Powyższy tekst jest udostępniany na licencji Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. Zawiera treść z artykułu z Wikipedii "Violin Romance No. 1 (Beethoven)".
Inne aranżacje
- Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 1
Full score - Skrzypce, Orkiestra
- Romance for Violin and Orchestra No. 1