Nun danket alle Gott
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- Kompozytor
- J S Bach
- Opus
- BWV 192
- Aranżacje
- 2
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O Kantata 192
Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 192, is a church cantata for Trinity Sunday composed by Johann Sebastian Bach in Leipzig in 1730. It is an incomplete cantata, because its tenor part is missing. It is a chorale cantata, setting the unmodified three stanzas of Martin Rinckart's "Nun danket alle Gott". It has been regarded as an expansion of Bach's chorale cantata cycle.
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Powyższy tekst jest udostępniany na licencji Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike. Zawiera treść z artykułu z Wikipedii "Nun danket alle Gott, BWV 192".
Inne aranżacje
- Kantata 192
Vocal score - SATB, Fortepian
- Kantata 192