
Ananda Samarakoon


Egodahage George Wilfred Alwis Samarakoon known as Ananda Samarakoon was a Sri Lankan composer and musician. He composed the Sri Lankan national anthem "Sri Lanka Matha" and is considered the father of artistic Sinhala music and founder of the modern Sri Lankan Geeta Sahitya. He committed suicide in 1962, possibly driven by unauthorized changes to lyrics in a composition.
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You may also find sheet music by Samarakoon on Sheet Music Plus.


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es:Ananda Samarakone, fi:Ananda Samarakone, hi:आनंद समाराकून, pt:Ananda Samarakone, si:ආනන්ද සමරකෝන්, ta:ஆனந்த சமரக்கோன்